Thursday, April 28, 2011

WEEK 8 : Project 2 : Analyse the Traffic Circulation near Howard Smith Wharves (ROMA STREET, SOUTH BANK)

Experiment 2
Generate a form by having the folie shooting the particles towards an empty spherical that represent the train station in Roma Street.

Image 1 : empty spherical in Roma street, representing the train station

Video 1 : Animation showing the empty spherical moving along a path towards the folie

Image 2 :
Particles shooting towards the empty spherical representing the train station in Roma Street

Image 3 : change the particles to 'hair'

Image 4 : particles moving towards the empty spherical

Image 5 : hair emitted from the folie

Experiment 3
An empty spherical with negative value is created at the train station in South Bank. By having the folie as an emitter, shooting out particles towards the empty spherical, a form can be generated from the particles which represent the traffic circulation in that area.

Image 6 : hair generated from the particles

Image 7 : hair generated from animation different frame

Image 8 : hair generated from the empty spherical with negative value (-100)

Image 9 : reduce the amount of hair in Image 8

Image 10 : hair ready to be turned into a massing model

Image 11 : select and form surface for the hair

Image 12 : perspective view of the massing model

Image 13 : perspective view of the massing model

Video 2 : animation of the particles moving towards the empty spherical, representing the rain station in South Bank

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

WEEK 8 : Project 2 : Analyse the Traffic Circulation near Howards Smith Wharves (FORTITUDE VALLEY)

Design Context
Identify the different train stations near to Howard Smith Wharves. By doing this, it gives me the information on where does most of the traffic comes from. Also, it gives me an idea on where to locate the private and public spaces in my building later on.

Besides, I try to generate a form out of this traffic circulation analysis. Using the folie as an emitter, shooting out particles towards the different train stations near to the site, I managed to get a few massing models.

Image 1 : map showing the trains station located near to the site

Experiment 1
Generate a form by creating an empty following the path from the train station at Fortitude Valley towards the site.

a) Create an animation with empty follow a path

Video 1 : Empty follow the path at different train station

Series of images showing the results of the animation.

Image 2 : perspective view of the hair emitted from the folie

Image 3 : A great numbers of hair emitted from the folie

Image 4 : Decrease the amount of hair in image 3

Image 5 : Hair rendered at different animation frame

Image 6 : Decrease the amount of hair in image 5

Image 7 : Hair moving towards the negative empty spherical

b) Besides having the empty sitting on the path, I import a train from google sketchup and let the train sits on the path. The train is mean to identify the passengers travel from the train station towards the site.

Image 8 : Train sitting on the path

Image 9 : Train follow the path, moving from the train station towards the folie

Image 10 : Amount of hairs generated from the particles shooting out from the folie

Image 11: Decrease the amount of hair in image 10

Image 12 : Hair created at different frame

Image 13 : the shape of the hair ready to be generated into a form

Image 14 : Perspective view of the massing model

Image 15 : Perspective view of the massing model

Monday, April 25, 2011

WEEK 8 : Project 2 : Analyse the Range of Users Activities (OUTDOOR, COMMERCIAL) near to Howard Smith Wharves

Experiment 2 :
Analyze the relationship between the folie and the 'outdoor parks' in Kangaroo Point, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane CBD and New Farm, Brisbane.

Image 1 : some parks near to the site, Howard Smith Wharves, Brisbane

After identifying the location of the parks, I create a few empty spherical in these locations. By having the folie as an emitters, particles are shooting out from the folie towards the empty spherical.

Video 1 : Negative empty spherical created at different outdoor parks

Image 1 : Hairs generated from the particles

Image 2 : Convert the hairs from folie and set it in edit mode

Image 3 : Wall is created by joining the hairs together

Video 2 : Positive empty spherical created in different outdoor parks

Image 4 : Particles emitted from the folie

Image 5 : Perspective view of the hair created from the particles

Image 6 : Another perspective view of the hair

Image 7 : The massing model generated from the hair

Experiment 3 :
Identify the relationship between the folie and the commercial centers near to Howard Smith Wharves.

Image 8 : As seen in the image, most of the commercial centers area located in Brisbane CBD

Video 3 : Animation showing the particles shooting from the folie towards the negative empty spherical created at commercial centers

Video 4 : Particles moving towards the positive empty spherical at commercial centers in Brisbane CBD

WEEK 8 : Project 2 : Analyse the Range of Users Activities (COMMUNITY) near to Howard Smith Wharves

Design Function :
As stated in the assignment brief, the building need to have 3 main function, community , outdoor and commercial area. I started by identifying the range of user activities near to Howard Smith Wharves. I mark the different user activities in Brisbane city and create an empty spherical in those location. Then by using my folie as the emitter, I tried to shoot particles towards those empty spherical to generate a massing model.

Experiment 1 :
Identify the relationship between the folie and the community area at New Farm, Brisbane.

Image 1 : Community Center in New Farm

After identifying the Community Centers, I create empty spherical in those area as force of attraction. Then, I create force field in my folie and shoot the particles from my folie towards the Community Centers.

Video 1 : Particles shooting out from the folie towards the negative empty spherical in New Farm

Video 2 : Particles from the folie moving towards the positive empty spherical created in the commercial centers

Experiment 2 :

Looking for the patterns of force field created by the emitter, folie towards the empty spherical located at the commercial centers in Brisbane CBD.

Image 2 : Commercial Centers in Brisbane CBD.

Video 3 : Particles shooting from folie towards the negative empty spherical (-21) created at commercial centers, Brisbane CBD

Video 4 : Animation done with positive empty spherical (21) at Commercial Centers in Brisbane CBD.

Experiment 3 :
Shooting of particles from folie towards the empty spherical created at Commercial Centers in Kangaroo Point, Brisbane

Image 3 : Community Centers in Kangaroo Point

Video 5 : Particles shooting from folie towards the positive empty spherical (21) created in commercial centers in Kangaroo Point

Experiment 4 :
Using the folie as an emitter, shooting the particles towards the empty spherical at the commercial centers in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane.

Video 6 : Particles moving from folie towards the positive empty spherical at commercial centers in Fortitude Valley

Saturday, April 23, 2011

WEEK 8 : Project 2 : Contextual and Spatial Parameters

Design Context : Understand the relationship between the site and the surrounding area by placing an empty spherical in the respective site. Then by using the folie as an emitter, an animation is created by shooting particles from the emitter towards the empty spherical in a specific location. Changing the 'particles' emitted from the folie to 'hair' , a massing model can be generated by joining all the 'hair' and forming a proper wall for the 'hair'.

Experiment 3 :
Finding the relationship between folie and New Farm.

Image 1: Location of New Farm, Brisbane

Video 1 : empty spherical with negative value (-21) at New Farm

Image 2 : massing model generated from the negative empty spherical (-21) located at New Farm

Image 3 : cross section of the massing model

Video 2 : an empty spherical with positive value (21) is placed at New Farm

Image 4 : massing model formed by animating the empty spherical

Image 5 : Cross section of the massing model

Experiment 4
Looking for the relationship between folie and Brisbane CBD.

Image 6: Location of Brisbane CBD in the city

Video 3 : empty spherical with negative value (-21) at Brisbane CBD

Image 7 : Massing model generated from the negative force field

Image 8 : Cross section of the massing model

Video 4 : empty spherical with positive value at Brisbane CBD

Image 9 : massing model generated from force field

Image 10 : cross section of the massing model